Discover My Denmark

I am often asked, where my photos are taken, and now I’ll reveal some details about my favourite sites:

Møns Klint, a strech of white chalk cliffs on the Danish island of Møn in the Baltic. The white cliffs of this famous site are rather unstable as they are not chalk base rock, but just huge rocks pushed up on the beds of sand and clay by the ice during the last ice age. Møns Klint is prone to landslides after heavy rainfall in the winter or spring, but huge landslides only happen once every 10-15 years. I made a series of photos a few months after the big landslide of Store Taler at the Jydefaldet in 2007.

Trelde Næs at Vejle Fjord. Trelde Næs is an geological site of national importance. The clay beds of Vejle Fjord and Trelde Næs contain a diverse range of Tertiary fossil such as fossilized sea-urshins, snails, shalk tooths, the odd fragment of a fishbone. The trees of Treldeskoven, the strech of woodland at the point of Trelde Næs, sit on clay beds that are eroded by the sea every winter. At the eastern side of Trelde Næs the fallen trees sits on the beach. This beach is only accessible at low tide.

Ertebølle at the Limfjorden. The beach at Ertebølle with its three small black sheds where the local fishermen keep their gear is famous for the Danish Ertebølle Culture. The Danish Ertebølle culture (5300 BC – 3950 BC) was a hunter-gatherer, fisher, and pottery-making culture dating to the end of the Mesolithic period.